attribute 'influence' type int smallest 0 largest 1000 default 1 endAs you can see the attribute section starts with the keyword attribute that is followed by the name of this particular attribute. Then we see a series of keywords followed by parameters. The section is completed with keyword end.
Keyword | Value | Attribute type | Description |
type | int, bool, repertoire, set | Declares type of the attribute. Should be followed by one of bool,int,
set or repertoire. Note: currently set is not fully implemented |
default | e.g. 10 | any | Specifies default value (optional) |
smallest | e.g. -3 | int | Specifies smallest possible value |
largest | e.g. 200 | int | Specifies largest possible value |
size | e.g. 10 | set, repertoire | Specifies size of the set or repertoire. Limited to 64 for sets and 56 for repertoires. |
bias_min | e.g. 4 | repertoire | minimum possible value for bias. (valid only for attributes of type repertoire) |
bias_max | e.g. -3 | repertoire | maximum possible value for bias. (valid only for attributes of type repertoire) |
bias_vol | e.g 500 | repertoire | likelihood that a given bias value will change on this timestep. (in units of 0.01%) (valid only for attributes of type repertoire) |
walk | no argument | repertoire | during evolution a particular bias value can only change by +1 or -1 during one timestep |
jump | no argument | repertoire | during evolution a particular bias value can change to any possible value during one timestep |
bias_values | e.g. 1,-1,2,3 | repertoire | this keyword is used to specify initial bias values. it is only used in snapshots and will _never_ be accessed if loading as a model. |
bias_init_routine | e.g. "bias_init" | repertoire | specifies a routine to define initial values for bias |
bias_update_routine | e.g. "bias_update_jump" | repertoire | Specifies a routine for updating bias values. When present, keywords jump, walk, bias_max, bias_min and bias_vol are disregarded. |
attribute 'immutable' type bool default false end routine 'bias_init' composite comment 'This sets initial biases to zero for all identities except first' when "$1==1" "-1" default "0" end routine 'bias_update1' composite comment 'Set 2 to 0 always, otherwise jump randomly between -5 and 4' when "$1==2" "0" default "(rand/1000)-5" end attribute 'cache' type repertoire walk size 20 bias_max 2 bias_min -2 bias_vol 500 default empty bias_init_routine "bias_init" bias_update_routine "bias_update1" end